Best IVF Clinic in Hyderabad
Help Mother and Father to Get Their Own Baby Dream
Help Mother and Father to Get Their Own Baby Dream
The journey of ZIVA started with an honest intent to change the way fertility treatment is widely practiced.
A majority of treatments are just focused on getting that one positive test result, with less personalized and compassionate care to each individual. At ZIVA, we treat patients, not pregnancy rates. No two patients are alike. No two families have identical needs.
Our treatment plans begin with your story, your questions, and your dreams. Our care will always reflect an intimacy with your unique case. ZIVA is the best fertility center in Hyderabad.
Our branches are located in Banjara Hills, Manikonda, Kompally, Sanathnagar.
For an appointment call us on +91 9347406900 / 7842400104

List of fertility services available at the Ziva fertility centre Hyderabad
Male fertility treatment in Hyderabad at Ziva Fertility Clinic

Hormone Evaluation

Surgical extraction of sperm in the case of azoospermia or high DFI

The DNA Fragmentation Index

Retrograde Ejaculation Treatment of The Sample


Semen processing for articial insemination like IUI

Sperm Banking

Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Female Fertility Treatment in Hyderabad at Ziva Fertility Clinic

Follicular monitoring for timed intercourse

IUI treatment

In-Vitro Fertilisation (IVF Treatment)

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Egg Freezing

Embryo Freezing

PCODS Treatment

Endometriosis Treatment for Infertility

Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Ziva Fertility Treatment in Hyderabad
Undoubtedly, ZIVA is the best fertility clinic in Hyderabad for different ART(Assisted Reproductive Technology) procedures to treat infertility problems. We are best known for our high success rate in almost all ART procedures.
In medical terms, ART refers to the treatments that can manage problems associated with a woman’s egg and a man’s sperm to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy. ART procedures are ideal for men experiencing problems related to the quality and quantity of sperm and facing difficulties to fertilize the egg.
Similarly, ART works best in women who are experiencing ovulation problems and many other medical conditions. An ART cycle enhances the probabilities of a successful pregnancy greatly with each cycle. ART is the best option for couples whose fertility issue is not known, often called unexplained infertility.
The odds of pregnancy are high with each ART cycle, and ART can overcome many common but difficult complications. Couples who have failed to get pregnant with other treatment options and people who want a baby without a partner, the homosexual couple can also choose ART procedures.
IUI (Intrauterine insemination) Treatment:
- The IUI process follows three main steps
- Collecting the sperm sample on the day of Insemination at the clinic
- Washing the sperm
- Placing the sperm in the cervix using a catheter
In the natural conception process, the sperm travels from the vagina into the uterus through the cervix and finally reaches the fallopian tubes, where the fertilization process occurs. But with IUI, the fertility expert will place “washed” and concentrated sperm directly in the uterus, closer to the egg, using a small catheter. This process highly improves the chances of pregnancy in couples who are facing difficulty in getting pregnant. The procedure is simple, takes a few minutes, and does not require anaesthesia. Even though the procedure is not painful, it might cause mild cramping. During your IUI treatment, injections can also be used to help stimulate your ovaries for the production of eggs. This procedure is carried out around the time of ovulation, helping the fertile sperm to get closer to your egg.
What is IVF?
In-vitro fertilization treatment is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which the egg is combined with the sperm outside the womb. Mature eggs are collected from a woman’s body and fertilized with the retrieved sperm sample from the male partner in a laboratory dish. IVF procedure step by step:
The success rate of IVF Procedure Around 65,000 couples undergo infertility treatment in India, and the success rate ranges from 30% to 35%. However, the success rate of IVF treatment depends on factors like age, health conditions, etc. In women of age below 35 years, the success rate might be around 40% to 45%, and in women of age above 42 years, it will be around 15%. Though a little expensive procedure, the outcomes are highly promising compared to other ART techniques.
ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection)
The ICSI procedure is similar to IVF, but the only difference is in the method of achieving fertilization. It is a laboratory procedure in which a fine glass needle is used to pick up a single sperm, and it is placed directly into your egg.
Collection of the sperm can be done naturally or by TESE, MESA, TESA & Micro-TESA. Ziva Fertility’s andrology experts are highly experienced in choosing the best sperm from the sample for the treatment.
Ziva Fertility Doctors in Hyderabad

MBBS MS (General Surgery)
Consultant Microsurgical Andrology

Scientific Director
PhD (Genetics), MS in Clinical Embryology

Consultant Radiologist
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