Male fertility testing in Hyderabad: It’s Uses, tests and diagnosis

Fertility specialists advise couples who have been trying to conceive for a year or more and still did not get pregnant to visit a fertility specialist. Fertility specialists start with fertility tests for both partners. With changing lifestyles and stress levels, fertility specialists are considering infertility aspects from both sides. The starting point is always 50:50, which means that concerns about infertility are shared equally between males and females.

Male fertility testing in Hyderabad – Uses

Male fertility testing is prescribed  in the following cases:-

  • If the doctor suspects that there may be some issues with the man’s fertility. 
  • To check if the vasectomy was successful.
  • Genetic diseases that could be passed onto the offspring
  • Unhealthy sperm cells that are unable to fertilize the egg.
  • Varicoceles is a condition where the veins within the scrotum are swollen
  • Hormonal disorders, since testosterone is the primary reproductive hormone.

The outcome of male fertility testing in Hyderabad is the knowledge that an individual can father a child naturally. Most men have one of the three following conditions when they are unable to father a child:-

  • Azoospermia: No sperm cells in the semen.
  • Oligospermia: There are low- or poor-quality sperm cells in the semen.

Male fertility testing in Hyderabad – For Whom? 

If fertility specialists suspect infertility and if men have the following risk factors, male fertility testing in Hyderabad is recommended:

  • Diabetes and other endocrine disorders
  • High temperature (A febrile illness)
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Age
  • Obesity
  • STDs (Sexually Transmitted Disease)
  • Epididymitis and prostatitis
  • Certain congenital conditions
  • An undescended testicle in childhood
  • Smoking
  • Consumption of testosterone supplements

Male fertility testing in Hyderabad: Tests and Diagnosis 

Initial consultation: Tests and diagnosis start with a physical examination. The fertility specialist at Hyderabad will ask you the following questions during your initial diagnosis:

  • Medical history
  • Current and recent medications
  • Activity levels 
  • Smoking, drinking, and usage of recreational drugs
  • Your sex life and any issues you are having during intercourse.
  • STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). 

After the physical examination, you’ll probably be asked to give a sample of semen for analysis.

Sperm and Semen Analysis: The semen is a thick, white fluid released from a male’s reproductive organs, consisting of sperm, filled with cells that carry genetic material. The collected semen sample is examined under a microscope to get all the essential information such as the sperm count, sperm motility (activity), and sperm morphology (shape). If the results show a low sperm count, abnormal sperm shape, and sperm movement issues, then it generally means that the person may not be very fertile.

But please know that there have been instances where men with low sperm counts or abnormal semen were fertile and became fathers. The contrary is true, too, where about 15% of infertile men have plenty of normal sperm.

But most experienced fertility specialists, such as the one at ZIVA, will order a second test to confirm the results. If both the tests show average results, it means you don’t have any significant infertility problems. 

If the results show that the patient has no semen or sperm at all, it might be because of a blockage in the transportation system, which can be corrected with surgery.

Hormone Evaluation: Testosterone, along with other hormones, is required to produce sperm. However, most men with fertility issues do not have hormonal problems.

Genetic Testing: This testing evaluates if there are genetic factors contributing to infertility and identifies specific obstacles to fertility and problems with your sperm. 

Anti-Sperm Antibodies: In some men, the body’s immunity system produces antibodies that attack the sperm. Thus, the sperm cannot reach the egg, which keeps your partner from getting pregnant.

In some men, sperm production isn’t the problem, but there could be issues with getting the sperm where they need to go. For these men, there is normal sperm in their testicles, but the sperm in semen are either missing, in low numbers, or abnormal. Below are the reasons why you might have low sperm in your semen even if your body makes enough of it:

Retrograde ejaculation: The sperm ejaculates backwards into your bladder. Previous surgeries could cause this condition.

Issues with pipelines: The vas deferens is the leading sperm pipeline, and it is missing. This is the most common genetic problem where men are born without a primary pipeline for sperm.

Blockages: The pathway between the testicles and the penis is blocked. The path can be cleared with surgery in most cases.

“Idiopathic” infertility: Sometimes, despite all the testing, the cause of infertility is not known. Everything is fine in the tests, but they cannot impregnate their partner.

We at ZIVA Fertility clinics would suggest to the men out there that fertility testing in men is quite common nowadays. Do not let hesitation come in the way of realizing your dream of fathering a child. If any issues have been found in the Male fertility testing in Hyderabad, there are many options in front of you. Medications, surgery, or ART can assist in fathering a child. Hyderabad is one of the best cities in the country for medical facilities. Hyderabad is easily connected to the entire country and many fertility clinics in Hyderabad offer packages which can assist you in diagnosing fertility issues. Highly qualified doctors with decades of experience are here to help you. So, make your initial consultation today. For more information, please visit our website or contact us at +91-9100002737 or +91-9347406900