Female fertility testing in Hyderabad: It’s uses, tests and diagnosis

Any couple looking forward to welcoming their bundle of joy will be anxiously waiting for their moment. So even after trying for six months to one year, if there are no promising results, they should consult a fertility specialist. The fertility journey has the potential to dramatically alter the life of the couple that they […]

What to look for in a fertility clinic? Fertility specialist explains

If you are embarking on the journey to parenthood, which is a life-changing decision, then choosing a fertility clinic is a crucial step in the process. The fertility journey is a multi-step process and requires constant touch with fertility clinics. It does not matter whether it is a rural area or a metropolitan area with […]

When should infertile couples go with IVF treatment?

Most couples who realize their infertility usually make in vitro fertilization (IVF) “the last stop.” That said, people don’t realize that IVF can be the first and most successful option. It works for a broad range of people, like couples for whom traditional conception and pregnancy aren’t an option – like women with infertility diagnoses […]

Preparing for IVF pregnancy checklist: A guide to infertile couples

Worldwide, In vitro fertilization is the most popular ART chosen by infertile couples to realize their dream of having a baby. All over the world, the awareness of IVF has increased, and in India, IVF clinics are present in semi-urban areas as well. We at ZIVA Fertility Clinics will not directly suggest IVF for you. […]

How to support your wife during infertility? Fertility doctor explains

Any couple going through infertility will be under emotional stress. This is the time the couple should best rely on and be there for each other. Since no one else can feel the infertility-related stress as much, they both do. So, leaning into each other for emotional support is an excellent way of dealing with […]

Stress and infertility in females: How to cope with it ?

Medically understanding ‘stress’ means the sympathetic nervous system response to a triggering event. During such triggers the body’s natural mechanisms release adrenaline hormones into the bloodstream, resulting in the “fight or flight” reaction. This physiological response makes us ready to respond to real or perceived danger and be more alert and motivated. Heart racing,  breath […]