Male fertility testing in Hyderabad: It’s Uses, tests and diagnosis

Fertility specialists advise couples who have been trying to conceive for a year or more and still did not get pregnant to visit a fertility specialist. Fertility specialists start with fertility tests for both partners. With changing lifestyles and stress levels, fertility specialists are considering infertility aspects from both sides. The starting point is always […]

Infertility in men: A hidden truth in Indian couples

Infertility in men is a topic often shrouded in taboo and secrecy amongst most Indian couples. Most of the time, fertility is directly associated with females, but with the growing Indian economic and social landscape, it’s time we shed light on male infertility as well. For centuries, societal pressures and cultural norms have played a […]

What are the chances of getting pregnant with endometriosis?

One of the most asked questions by women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis is, “What are the chances of getting pregnant with endometriosis?”. Though endometriosis affects other reproductive functions, conception is the top question on the minds of women. Well, we at ZIVA fertility clinics are happy to answer the question, “What are the […]

Top 5 FAQs about the Right Age for IVF in Hyderabad India 

Couples opt for IVF in Hyderabad, India, for various reasons. Though infertility is the main reason, the wish to bear a child at a later age, medical issues, cancer, single parents, use of donor sperm/eggs, etc, are all the top reasons, too. In all such situations, IVF in Hyderabad, India, often emerges as a beacon […]

Is my husband infertile? How do you know? 

A couple waits for their bundle of joy from the moment they decide to have a baby. They will be so full of hope that they will want to get pregnant right away. But if conception is getting delayed, then it’s natural for doubts to arise. In today’s modern lifestyle,1 in 7 couples is infertile, […]