Fertility counseling for infertile couples: Learn how to cope with infertility

 Fertility counselling for infertile couples: Learn how to cope with infertility – ZIVA

Infertility affects the physical and emotional aspects of a couple’s life. Infertility creates emotional disturbance and often puts strain on a relationship. Thankfully, there are many treatments available so that the couple can be hopeful of having a child. But the whole journey of undergoing the treatments, waiting for the outcomes, and sometimes they have to repeat the same treatment multiple times. So these aspects could lead to stress in the couple. Fertility counseling can be a helpful way to work through grief, anxiety, worry, or any other emotions that couples may experience as a result of fertility issues. Fertility counseling is most beneficial when the fertility treatment is not giving the desired results. 

What is Infertility?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as a medical condition where the male or female reproductive system fails to conceive after 12 months of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility affects millions of couples and has an impact on their families and communities. A significant change in the understanding has come where infertility is no longer a female problem. Men are also majorly contributing to infertility, and men are also being encouraged to attend fertility counseling and to undergo testing and treatments if necessary. 

Secondary infertility is also on the rise. This means that a couple could have had one successful pregnancy but are unable to conceive a second child. 

Causes of infertility in the female reproductive system could be abnormalities of the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, and the endocrine system, among others. Causes of infertility in the male reproductive system are issues with the ejection of semen, absence or low levels of sperm, or abnormal shape and movement of the sperm.

What is Fertility Counseling for infertile couples?

The emotional impact of Infertility causes stress, anxiety, and conflict in a relationship. The most common emotions are :

  • Depression
  • Feel hopeless or defeated
  • Experience low self-esteem 
  • A feeling of guilt. 

Some couples try to deal with it all by themselves. 

Infertile couples should recognize that seeking help is a sign of strength and that needing help is expected.

Why infertile couples should seek counseling?

Communication: An experienced fertility therapist could help you cope with the emotional struggle of infertility and help improve interpersonal communication. 

Ease of decision-making: During the infertility journey, a couple has to make many decisions. With the help of a therapist, the couple can achieve a healthy relationship, which makes it easier for the couple to reach conclusions. A therapist can also assist in fostering a shared understanding between individuals.

Secondary infertility: If the couple is facing secondary infertility, then it impacts the first child also. Sometimes, the couple might lose attention and focus on the first child, which could make them confused. So, a therapist can give tips on how to explain such complicated matters to the young.

Sharing the news: Due to family matters, some couples can’t share the news with their immediate family. It could be seen as a defect, and the couple is subjected to judgment from the family. Sometimes, the family can also come to therapy sessions so that the therapist can help educate the family.

Types of fertility Counseling for infertile couples: 

  1. Information Counseling: This counseling aims to inform the couples about the medical aspects of the treatment. The medical doctor conducts this counseling. A therapist can offer additional insights into the social and emotional aspects of infertility treatment. If the information given by the doctor is overwhelming, the therapist can help these individuals collate and make sense of all the information.  Counselors will take these counseling to help couples restore their confidence and self-reliance.  
  2. Implications Counseling: This type of counseling helps the couple understand the consequences of treatment decisions. It also informs them about the financial aspects and how long it could take for the desired outcome. If the couple decides to use donor sperm, donor eggs, or surrogacy, then implication counseling helps them understand the legal and emotional aspects of such a decision.
  3. Support Counseling: Support counseling aids in dealing with any failures and the frustration of the desire for a child. The couple can better face social and family pressure during phases of intensive assessment, waiting periods, inability to achieve pregnancy, and decision conflicts concerning treatment termination. 
  4. Post-therapeutic counseling: If, after trying all treatments, you do not get the desired results, then it takes a lot of time to come out of it. The counselor will help to minimize distress and maximize problem-solving, addressing specific issues such as sexual and marital. The counselor will also guide on alternatives such as adoption or other lifestyles.  

Benefits of fertility counselling for infertile couples:

The couple’s relationship gets better.

Freedom from feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness, denial, sadness, etc. 

  • Reclaim self-esteem. 
  • A better and wiser life decides. 
  • Dealing and coming out healthily from sexism trauma.
  • Better understand how to deal with family, society, friends and colleagues.
  • Explore alternatives if fertility treatments do not work.
  • Provides a safe space to discuss private matters.

How to better deal with infertility?

  • It’s good to accept and acknowledge the fact of infertility, especially in males.
  • Realise that a counselor will help you cope with the feelings associated with infertility and relationship issues. 
  • Discuss freely any sexual issues.

Obstacles in fertility counseling for infertile couples

  • Patients do not give themselves time to settle emotionally and do not accept the situation.
  • Patients think that a magical solution will appear. 
  • The lack of nearby counseling resources and lack of awareness are significant issues.

A word from ZIVA Fertility clinics 

We at ZIVA fertility clinics strongly suggest that infertility counseling is beneficial in many ways so please do not underestimate its value. Medical treatments are valuable but equally crucial is counseling. We at ZIVA fertility clinics give equal importance to both aspects of treatment. We understand that the success of fertility treatments depends on the mental and emotional state of the couple. Please know that seeking is an intelligent decision to make. For more information, please visit our website https://zivafertility.com/ or contact us at +91-9100002737 or +91-9347406900