Best tips for PCOS patients to get pregnant at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, PCOS specialist near Banjara Hills

Tips For PCOS Patients To Get Pregnant

PCOS stands for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. A healthy woman ovulates on the 14th day of her period every month. In women with PCOS, ovulation does not occur at all for various reasons. Hence it is difficult for a woman to get pregnant. 

A medical study found that one in ten women suffer from PCOS. Many women don’t even know that they have the disease because they don’t know PCOS symptoms. Women realize they have PCOS when they can’t get pregnant after a long time. Regular visits to the doctor can be a painful experience when the cause of infertility is PCOS. It is a known fact that women with PCOS take longer to get pregnant and undergo many treatments to get pregnant. Even after all medical procedures, a woman may not be able to get pregnant.

Ziva infertility Clinic provides this article to discuss some ways you can get pregnant with PCOS.

What is PCOS

PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a very common condition in which high progesterone levels prevent women from becoming pregnant. This is due to the formation of cysts on the ovaries due to hormonal imbalance. This makes it difficult for women to get pregnant. However, with a few lifestyle changes, a positive attitude, and a little effort, women with PCOS can get pregnant. 

Relation between PCOS and Insulin resistance

Know the relationship between PCOS and insulin resistance at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, the best PCOS treatment near Manikonda

PCOS is recognized as a risk factor for developing diabetes. Even though the signs and symptoms of PCOS begin before the signs and symptoms of insulin resistance, it is believed that insulin resistance plays a role in the development of PCOS, no different. Elevated insulin levels can lead to inflammation and other metabolic complications associated with PCOS. Although the relationship is known, the reason for the relationship between the two conditions is not completely clear.

Most importantly, insulin resistance does not affect everyone equally, and some women with insulin resistance develop PCOS and others do not. Obesity-related insulin resistance changes how the hypothalamus and pituitary gland work. This causes an increase in androgenic hormones that contribute to PCOS. Excess androgenic hormone production is an independent risk factor for female dysfunction and female infertility.

Although every condition is associated with depression, the risk of depression is much greater when the two conditions occur together. Insulin resistance and PCOS also contribute to infertility. Hormonal changes in PCOS interfere with proper embryo implantation, while insulin resistance can lead to miscarriage due to inadequate nutrition and support for embryo growth.

When PCOS and insulin resistance are combined, infertility and early miscarriage can make giving birth difficult. 

How to get pregnant with PCOS?

Below are tips that can help women with PCOS get pregnant.

Make lifestyle changes

It’s important to eat healthily, sleep well (7-8 hours a day), and get regular exercise. Alcohol, substance abuse and smoking should be avoided. Taking vitamin supplements (after consulting a doctor) can also help balance hormone and promote conception.

Stop stress

People experience stress because of various problems in their life. However, this will only exaggerate hormonal imbalances. So try to reduce stress in your life. Take a daily walk, practice yoga and pranayama, meditate, have a positive outlook on life, and, most importantly, be happy.

Be Active

Best exercises and Yogasanas for pregnancy at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, women's fertility clinic near Sanath Nagar

A sedentary lifestyle can make you gain weight. Therefore, activity is very important in fighting insulin resistance. Playing sports, swimming or walking, doing household chores instead of having someone do it for you can help you become physically active and increase your chances of getting pregnant. Several yoga poses are good exercises for PCOS during pregnancy.

Consult a doctor

Doctors are the best people to treat PCOS and increase your chances of getting pregnant. He or she may prescribe medication to treat hormonal imbalances that suppress ovulation.

Maintain Chromium and magnesium content in the body

Low levels of Chromium and magnesium in the body can cause infertility. Hence, consuming foods rich in these two important minerals or taking supplements can help you get pregnant.

Avoid foods that are resistant to insulin.

Soft drinks, white bread, rice, potatoes, refined carbohydrates, etc., are foods that increase insulin, increase body weight and blood sugar levels. It’s best to avoid it if you have PCOS and want to get pregnant.

A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and non-starch protein

Treatment for PCOS consists of medication and surgery. But how can you cure PCOS naturally and get pregnant? Only. Eat a nutritious diet high in green leafy vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, fruits, and nuts. They help lower insulin resistance in your body and eliminate hormonal imbalances, paving the way for conception.

Cure Vitamin D Deficiency.

Vitamin D must be in the optimal range to aid conception. Vitamin D is known to be directly involved in the maturation and development of follicles. Therefore, women who want to get pregnant should increase their vitamin D levels by eating foods rich in vitamin D or taking vitamin D supplements and, of course, basking in the sun every half hour in the morning.

Know the role of vitamin D in pregnancy at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, the best infertility doctor near Banjara Hills

In vitro fertilization (IVF)

IVF is the best way to get pregnant when you have PCOS. However, this is an expensive and time-consuming treatment. For this reason, not everyone can benefit from it, but many women with PCOS have successfully conceived and delivered healthy babies after completing the IVF program.

Include omega 3 in your diet

The omega 3 in your diet helps treat many medical problems, including leptin resistance and insulin resistance, which are the main causes of PCOS in women. It’s also a good treatment for lowering cortisol levels in women with PCOS.

Treatment of inflammation

One of the main causes of PCOS is inflammation that has been untreated for a long time. Inflammation of the adrenal glands and ovaries causes an increase in testosterone levels, which stops the normal menstrual cycle and ovulation. In contrast, inflammation of the brain causes leptin resistance and muscle cell insulin resistance. Therefore, to cure PCOS, inflammation treatment is mandatory. To reduce inflammation, women should avoid all types of foods that cause inflammation in their diets, such as All grains, all forms of sugar, industrial grains such as canola, soybeans, sunflower and vegetables, processed soy and dairy products.


Women with PCOS suffer from hormonal imbalances and need treatment if they want to become pregnant. The hormonal imbalance in women with PCOS causes the body to produce large amounts of testosterone. This is a male hormone that is found in traces of healthy women. However, in women with PCOS, this hormone is abundant, making conception impossible. Women get pregnant as soon as the drug starts working.

Talk to a doctor about your chances of getting pregnant after starting PCOS treatment. Your doctor will advise you on days when your chances of getting pregnant increase. You will be asked to consider your temperature throughout the day. Basal body temperature plays an important role in determining a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. Apart from having the right body temperature, the four days before ovulation are ideal days for conception.

PCOS makes it difficult for women to get pregnant, but not impossible. All you need is the right care, the right approach, and most importantly, patience. Ziva Fertility clinics strongly recommend that you follow medical guidelines for treating PCOS and adopt a healthy lifestyle if you plan to become pregnant.
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