Top Causes for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Fallopian tubes are the most crucial reproductive organs that bear the utmost importance in female fertility and health. They essentially connect the ovaries and the uterus. During the monthly ovulation, the fallopian tubes carry an egg from an ovary to the uterus. The fallopian tubes are where conception happens. Upon successful fertilisation by sperm, the egg moves through the tube toward the uterus for implantation. In case of a blocked fallopian tube, the passage for sperm to get to the eggs and the path back to the uterus for the fertilised egg gets blocked. 

What are the causes of blocked fallopian tubes? 

There are no specific symptoms for blocked Fallopian tubes. Many women do not realise that their fallopian tubes are blocked until they have issues with conception. Hence, understanding what may cause the blockage will help get treatment at the earliest. 

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)- is an infection of the female reproductive organs and causes scarring. When sexually transmitted bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries, PID occurs. Chlamydia and gonorrhoea cause scarring and lead to PID.

There are no outward symptoms of PID, so it is hard to detect. One can only get diagnosed if one has trouble getting pregnant or developing chronic pelvic pain.

If you observe vaginal discharge with an odour, pain during urination, or spotting outside the period’s cycle can also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Stop having sex and see your provider soon. 

Endometriosis- A tissue similar to that of the lining of the inside of the uterus — the endometrium — grows outside your uterus. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, and the tissue lining the pelvis are all affected. When the endometrial tissue builds up in the fallopian tubes, it blocks them. Endometrial tissue on other organs can cause adhesions, leading to blocked fallopian tubes.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrial-like tissue acts as endometrial tissue and thickens, breaks down, and bleeds. 

Endometriosis causes severe pain, especially during menstrual periods. However, effective treatments are available.

Past ectopic pregnancy – Unlike a healthy pregnancy, in an ectopic pregnancy, a fertilised egg implants itself outside the womb, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes connect the ovaries to the womb, so if an egg is stuck inside, the baby will not grow. It might be a risk to the mother if the pregnancy continues. Ectopic pregnancy scars the fallopian tubes.

Fibroids- Fibroids are benign tumours of muscle tissue in the uterus. Fibroids are caused due to multiplication of a single muscle cell in the uterus wall, which grows to form a noncancerous tumour. When these fibroids attach to the uterus, they block the fallopian tubes.

Past abdominal surgery – Earlier surgeries, especially those of the fallopian tubes themselves, can lead to pelvic adhesions that block the tubes.

Symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes

Some women with blocked fallopian tubes complain of mild and regular pain on one side of the abdomen. This usually happens when fluid fills and enlarges a blocked fallopian tube. Out of all the causes mentioned above, endometriosis shows some symptoms. They often cause very painful and heavy periods and pelvic pain. 

Hence, one should not neglect menstrual disorders. Any heavy bleeding, pain, excessive cramps etc., must be checked by a qualified medical professional.

Effect of Blocked Fallopian tubes on fertility

Blocked fallopian tubes directly affect fertility since they prevent the sperm and egg meet in from joining. In case of a single tube blockage, there is a chance of pregnancy since the egg and sperm can meet in the unblocked tube. In such a case, fertility drugs can increase your chance of ovulating on the open side. 

But if both tubes are fully blocked, one can still achieve pregnancy with treatment. 

With partially blocked tubes, the risk of an ectopic pregnancy increases. A blocked tube makes it harder for a fertilised egg to move through a blockage to the uterus. In such cases, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) depends on whether treatment is possible.

We at ZIVA Fertility clinics offer treatments for Fallopian Tube Issues. Wherever possible, we treat the condition or suggest alternatives to getting pregnant. Please visit our website or contact us at +91-9100002737, +91-9392834024 and