Know the best IVF preparation tips at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, a women's fertility clinic near Manikonda

IVF Preparation Tips

Are you preparing for IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)? When you are preparing for IVF, it is important to give yourself the best chance of getting a positive result. This can be achieved by nourishing and caring for your body.

Although in vitro fertilization is not a guarantee that you will achieve the desired results, switching to in vitro fertilization gives you the best chance of success.

Ideally, you want to give yourself at least 3-6 months to prepare your body for the IVF cycle. But even if you have a little time, any preparation is better than nothing. This article will discuss what you need to do to increase your chances of getting pregnant via IVF.

Here are ZIVA tips for preparing your body for the IVF cycle:

Eat fertility-enhancing foods

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Ziva infertility clinic’s first suggestion is about your diet and to include foods to increase fertility. Being overweight can greatly impact your chances of having a successful IVF, which is why a healthy BMI is important. Different fertility clinics have different guidelines, but a BMI between 20 and 30 is considered acceptable.

A diet low in fat and high in protein, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium is important. Leafy greens, fruits and vegetables are ideal. Foods considered excellent for increasing fertility include avocado, eggs, nuts, legumes, and foods high in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon and whole grains. It is advisable to avoid foods high in sugar, processed foods, and hydrogenated foods. Starting a diet is not recommended because restricting certain foods or minerals can affect your treatment. If possible, try to eat as organic as possible the night before your IVF. The fewer chemicals in your body, the better it is for fertility.

Increasing protein intake is important during IVF preparation. Egg quality is linked to the protein in your diet, and an IVF diet can greatly increase the chances of a further maturation of your follicles. 

Quit smoking, drinking alcohol, and cut back on caffeine

Consult to know the eliminating factors to get fertility at Ziva Fertility Clinic Hyderabad, best infertility doctors near Sanath Nagar

Ziva clinic’s second suggestion for preparing your body for IVF is to quit smoking, alcohol, and reduce caffeine intake. It has been shown that nicotine can age your ovaries and make eggs resistant to fertilization, and also the damage it can do to the unborn fetus. It is known that drinking alcohol during the IVF cycle reduces success by up to 50%. Therefore, avoiding alcohol before and during IVF is not difficult. High caffeine intake can also affect the IVF cycle. Therefore, it’s best to avoid or limit yourself to a maximum of 2 cups of coffee per day.

Buy high-quality vitamins

Egg quality is one of the most important factors in the IVF cycle. Therefore, our third suggestion is to take vitamins to increase fertility. There are many prenatal supplements available at supermarkets or pharmacies, but it’s worth investing in a high-quality multivitamin. Your fertility clinic can advise on good options, but you should at least take folic acid before and during your cycle.

Fertility vitamins are absent in the usual Western diet. Our cells are made up of nutrients. The largest cell in a woman’s body is the egg cell. By taking quality prenatal supplements, you directly impact the quality of your eggs and improve your body’s fertile environment. Since we know that follicles take three to six months to mature, ideally, you want to start taking vitamins three to six months before trying to conceive, but one to two months before is still beneficial.

Look for alternative fertility therapies.

Advanced fertility technics in Hyderabad, top fertility clinics near Banjara Hills

Our fourth suggestion is to consider alternative therapies you can do before and during the cycle. There are now many free therapies out there that are specifically designed to increase fertility. In an ideal world, this could potentially eliminate the need for IVF! As a doctor, we have seen many women undergoing reflexology that focuses on fertility. They have had great results, and women didn’t need fertility treatments at all. Also, acupuncture has been shown to provide many positive results in increasing fertility. Also, therapists are usually certified to advise you on herbal remedies to use with your therapy, such as herbal extracts.

Improve Sleep

The quality and quantity of sleep affect sex hormones and ovulation. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you and your partner get adequate sleep, especially during the time leading to the IVF cycle.

Tips for improving the quality of your sleep:

  • Stick to a routine and try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • Do not use your bedroom as a work environment and keep electronic devices out of the room, such as in the bathroom, television, telephone or tablet.
  • Cut back on alcohol and caffeine, both of which can disrupt a healthy sleep cycle.
  • Exercise outdoors so that your body and brain are in tune with natural biorhythms.
  • Take some time before stretching in bed, drinking tea, or journaling.


The best exercise to increase fertility in females at Ziva Fertility Center Hyderabad, top-rated fertility specialists near Manikonda

Another tip is a must before, during, and after an IVF cycle. And that means relieving stress, getting plenty of rest, and indulging in relaxation techniques like meditation, mindfulness, or just breathing exercises. The IVF cycle is a very stressful, anxious, and physically demanding process, and although this is easier said than done, keeping stress levels to a minimum is of utmost importance. Personally, meditation has been a great tool, and it allows you to control your breathing and focus your thoughts. 

Tone your uterus

The final tip may seem like a strange peak, but you want your uterus to be in peak shape before your IVF cycle. Whether you are undergoing IVF, IUI, or even a donation, a tight, well-circulating uterus is important to increase your chances of implantation.

One way to increase blood flow to the uterus is with yoga (leg against the wall pose).

Get organized

Consult to Ziva fertility center to know the best ivf center in Hyderabad, best ivf treatment near Sanath Nagar

Once you have started your IVF or IUI cycle, there are many things to keep in mind. You may have appointments to monitor your cycle several times a week, additional tests, as well as different doses of medication to take at different times of the day.


I hope these tips have been of use to anyone looking to start an IVF cycle. Even though each cycle can have a tremendous impact on your body and mind, you have to commit 100%.

For those on the fertility journey, it is important to know that there are many fertility options. For more information, visit our website Best Fertility/Infertility Clinic in Hyderabad – Zivafertility Center, explaining how each method works and its success rates, risks, and costs.

For more information on maternal health and well-being, contact Ziva infertility Clinic at Zivafertility – Book Appointment.